Word of warning! While some books in the main feed have sexual content, all books on this page in some way contain sexual actions/scenarios intended to be more intense/erotic within the core text. I think these books have value, that's why we're here, but it goes without saying that this is a section explicitly for those over the age of 18.
Moonlight Garden
by Kang Unnie/MissPM
2021, Complete
Published via Lezhin/Webtoon
Content Warning: Forced Prostitution

The flower maidens of the Moonlight Garden bear a curse; trapped to die after their prime and locked into a lifetime of sexual servitude, confined eternally to the Garden. However, a maiden who has yet to bloom finds her secret work to break the cycle interrupted by the arrival of a tempestuous new mistress on the premises...
One of the more thematically dense works I've read for this site. There's so much care placed into the character relationships, political dynamics and world here, with a great core conceit about women finding the greatest solace from the pain of this world in each other. The art is gorgeous, and the central romance deeply compelling; the slow burn making moments of love shared smell that much sweeter. It's a must-read for those so inclined.
Black & White: Tough Love at the Office
by Sal Jiang
2022, Ongoing
Published in english by Seven Seas
Content Warning: Sadomasochism ♥

Shirakawa can't stand the new girl at the office, Kuroda, trying to show her up at every opportunity; the constant catty remarks and that "come at me" glare. In a lonely conference room, she finally unloads all that frustration on her charge through both fists and fingers. And they both like it? This is the kind of business that happens off the HR books.
For the discerning eye, where fighting + sex blend together into something better than the sum of its parts. While the majority of the book so far is the two women playing chess with each other's business reputation, it makes the moments where their passions overflow onto (and into) each other way sweeter. The art and personality on this book are fantastic as well; it's a complete package where the only thing missing is more pages.
Program Me
by Shira + Takeil
2020, Complete
Syndicated via Tapas
Content Warning: Full Suite BDSM ♥

Months after securing her first real game industry job, game dev Seungwon finds herself face to face with her very much naked boss, Mimi. Even stranger, Mimi chastizes her for not trying to take advantage of the situation? This is the story of an incredibly assertive sub and her hapless but well meaning dom. Just don't let the coworkers know it's /that/ kind of relationship.
Gamedev workplace romcom!? In addition to a shockingly high amount of bare breast sexual content per chapter (make no mistake: THIS IS SMUT), this webtoon is actually really funny? It pokes a lot of fun at its premise + characters without feeling super disingenous. There's a spirit of honesty to the BDSM too that feels nice, with both main characters on something resembling the same page, and most of the actual imbalance in their relationship coming from what to call themselves outside of their shared sex life. I do think it loses a bit of momentum with the secondary couple introduced about halfway through; though they are cute their antics aren't nearly as explicit. Nevertheless they provide a nice sweet contrast vs. the bitter-savory of the main relationship, and everything comes together in a fun finale that delivers on everything the comic could have set up.
by Tatsubon
Fan TL, Syndicated online via Pixiv/Twitter
Content Warning: Sexual Harassment/Assault, Suicidal Ideation, Gore

YURI. VAMPIRE. ULTRAVIOLENCE. Very rarely has something been up my alley as much as this; the action has a fantastic sense of momentum and flow and I love goth bitches. This is known. Old blood vampire rivalry? Sick as hell magic gun powers? Guys getting their fucking heads exploded at 5 times the going market rate? Women making out? What the fuck, where has this been all my life.
That being said, the manga does have an edgy bent with its bit parts with guys who walk on screen to be creeps towards women (they do immediately get their faces torn off, but you do have to see that). There’s also sex scenes that verge into straight up shape-shifter hentai which aren’t entirely my vibe but literally whatever, it is between consenting adult women, live your truth Tatsubon.
The fast and loose relationship between an old blood vampire and her new hook-up fucking rules, though, so I am well and truly hooked.
(If you don’t have the stomach for the sex scenes, skip chapters 18, 28-32.)
Organ Divider
by Sigama
2018, Completed
Fan TL
Content Warning: Extreme Gore, Mysterious Nudity

YURI. CYBORG. ULTRAVIOLENCE. Cyborgs called “Hive” roam the remains of an ancient megastructure, integrating themselves into or lording over pockets of humanity trapped between the world’s enormous layers. Far in the depths, a lone hive embarks on a mission of revenge that will take her everywhere between the top layer and very core of their world.
This book tears through its runtime with an insane robo-gorefest, locked in with cool gay girls at the helm. While undeniably gay (and a rivals-to-lovers romance no less), the world, jargon, and ultraviolence tend to take precedence in the actual moment-to-moment experience. The art design really helps the whole thing along; the alien and obscure visual language make for a very hectic reading experience. The sheer scale the violence can operate on also is kind of preposterous; while never quite wall-to-wall with gore, the impacts and aftermath can end up massive on a scale you wouldn't infer from the get. A fantastic romp in only 3 volumes; just make sure to bring a strong stomach!.
My Cute Little Kitten
by Milk Morinaga
Published in english by Seven Seas

Two adult women who have been living together for 5 years, finally open up their feelings for one another as their futures start calling - in the form of a stray cat. This book is a masterful romance; equal parts funny, sexy and deeply invested in the characters' complex feelings about themselves and each other. The art style feels so old-school, too , it brings a sense of maturity and class to a very contemporary and frequently crass presentation. A new must-read from a genre legend.
I Don't Know Which Is Love!
by Oku Tamamushi
Published in english by Yen Press
Content Warning: Teacher x Student

Goofy lite-ecchi harem thing where five love interests are fighting tooth and nail over a girl with the emptiest head in their college class. Relationship writing in this one is spectacularly shallow (like entirely based on the love interest’s individual fetishes, whatever), but it does have a good sense of humor about it all, and the character art/expression work are a lot of fun.
Love Flag Girls
by Takahashi Itsumi
2010, Complete
Fan Translation

This one’s a fun, pirate-themed sex comedy! The older shojou style really backs up the pulpier elements of the romance and I really like the MC, she gets a nice character arc here! You do have to contend with 2010’s “grabass as romance” but I do think the main pairing have a really cute relationship beyond that. I love a horny idiot lesbo pirate captain.
by Yuino Chiri
2019, Complete
Published in english by Seven Seas
Content Warning: Intense Gore

Two women trapped under the curse of the werewolf travel as agents of an anti-magic organization to find a way to become human again. This book struggles a lot under the immense promise of its hook and I think it knows that; while the action can be striking, the direction is quite rough and the romance feels a little undercooked emotionally for a book that's banking on it. The CONSTANT erotic nudity throughout the book doesn't feel super earned or particularly sexy either; the elements struggle to cohere, even if I'd dig a lot of them in theory.
However, it does run quite short, and manages a massively truncated ending that decides correctly to focus on wrapping up the emotional core of the book, rather than keep escalating the fights. In fact, the entire second volume feels like a step up from the messy initial chapters; and the author seems to have already stepped up their game with their next book!
Okiku-san wa Ichatsukitai
by Yuino Chiri
2022- Ongoing
Fan Translation

A beautiful but lonely exorcist finds her hands full when one of the three great ghosts of Japan decides to make falling in love with another woman her final resting wish! (And that ghost finds her hands full, too; this book is filled to the brim with a love for tits.)
There's a ton of growth visible in this book; some really fun antics and cute characters take the stage in a story that tows the line really well between ghost drama, boob gags and melodramatic romance. It really feels like the author has found their stride here, and I'm really excited for the rest of the run to make it to print!
Gunbured x Sisters
by Wataru Mitogawa
2019, Complete
Published in english by Seven Seas (What??)
Content Warning: Intense Gore, Uncomfortable Sexual Situations, Straight Up Hentai

(The title is a nun thing, I promise this isn't a sisters thing... Getting that out of the way first so I can explain myself.)
Yuri Vampire Ultraviolence 2: Cutie Honey Edition! This post isn't a reccomendation as much as a post mortem, but since I did read it and it's on store shelves and Is Yuri, I wanted to cover it.
Warning! This one really pushes its ecchi tag; lots of (some ill advised) partial nudity and sexually explicit content within. I didn't really realise what I was getting into, and a fair amount of it didn't really agree with me, but I did end up hitting a point where I was able to look past it and really enjoy the characters, story + action; ymmv. Probably don't read unless you have an extremely high tolerance for ecchi stuff.
Packed with crazy action + insane bloody makeouts, Gunbured follows the Pope's daughter Dorothy and her captured Dhampir Maria as they bond with each other (♀♀), meet other agents in the church (♀♀♀♀), and fight their way through hordes of genetically modified vampires to find their lifelong targets. I cannot praise the action more highly in this book; the framing and direction are truly godlike and there's such a mastery of the line between slapstick and drama between every encounter. The characters are a ton of fun, too - I quite like the MC and a lot of the side hunters that work their way into the cast (Shannon ♥); If you're able to get past the ecchi limit here, the story's great. Most can't, or probably shouldn't. That's ok.
I'm hooked on Maria x Shannon, though, so my fate is sealed.